Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kentucky Derby

"If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?"

Have you ever wanted to run faster then horses? Fly like the wind? Soar like the eagles? Feel the wind beating into your face, stealing your breath? Feel the exhilaration pumping through your body?

Look at the obvious context of this verse. If you want to race against horses, then you need to beat men first. Because if you can't last against a man, then you will go down against a horse.

Spiritually speaking, racing against "men" in this life will weary you if you do it in your own strength. All the "horses" the enemy throws at you will destroy you.

Either way, it would take something supernatural to run and not grow weary.

Paul told us to run the race set before us.

There will always be a race set before us that we need to run. And if we don't want to pass out from exhaustion, then we need God's strength (God in us). We need the Holy Spirit training (Scripture to back us up). We need some awesome running shoes (Application/We need to use His strength, and Scripture!)

I want to race against horses. I want to beat them, too. How about you?


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