Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"All Things"

.."'if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."  Immediately the father cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" Mark 9:22-24

Jesus said, "All things are possible if you believe." In this case He spoke these words to a father who had come to him for help for his son.  He hadn't come full of faith knowing that Jesus could set his son free but instead he had come out of desperation, hoping that Jesus could help.

 Even though this father was asking for one particular, specific thing to happen here Jesus doesn't respond in a way that address it directly. He didn't say, "I can deliver him." or "I can help your son" Instead he said, "All things are possible." I think He used the word all for a reason. The word All encompasses everything. It means surviving floods, fiery furnaces, and lions dens. It covers healing blind eyes, taking down giants, raising the dead, healing leprosy, winning battles with a jawbones or torches. It means speaking to the sun and the moon, walking on water, raising up the lame, and even talking donkeys if its needed. ALL things are possible to him who believes. 

He used the word all to speak to this father because his sons need wasn't a small specific need to him. It was huge. It was "all" to him. It was everything. His sons deliverance was his hearts desire. It says that immediately the man cried out. "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief."Immediately he jumped at the possibility!

You and I, we need to remember when that need is looming up there all huge and gigantic that, All is possible!

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