Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just Burn the Other Junk

Isaiah 44:9-20. In my Bible, this section is titled, The Folly of Idolatry.

This section of Scripture goes on to talk about a man making an idol. At one point it talks about a man who cuts down some trees, and plants others. The rain nourishes it. It is even fuel for the man. He takes part of it for fire to warm himself, and some more to bake bread.

Oh, and also he makes an idol and falls down before it.

The rest of the tree he makes into a false god, and falls down before it, worships it, and prays to it.

This piece of carved wood.

Now, hopefully we are all smart enough to see that this is just a piece of wood.

But back then, people would carve something from a slab of wood, and call it a god.

That's not too common these days.

Is it?

Some people choose to worship the moon and stars. Some people choose to worship their "inner god." Some people choose to worship their possessions (TV's, computers, cars, houses, etc.).
Some people just choose to worship the devil outright.

So while the slab of wood is left alone (sometimes), we have chosen to worship  a lot of other things.

And because of today's culture, most people don't even realize they are worshiping their TV.

Do we really have so little discernment?

Anything can be an idol. And anything that takes precedent of God is just that.

Are we really going to fall down before a block of wood? Or whatever it is in our lives?

"I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22

We have only one GOD.

Just burn the other junk.


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