Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Snack Time

Today's snack --- "Don't Leave Home Without Him"   Luke 2:41-51.

We have ten rather special verses here in Luke.  See if you can recognize them in your life.  I know that I can in mine!

We have a family taking a trip to a special church related event. They attend, it goes great, and its time to return home. They set off early in the morning and traveled for a whole day when they discover that they are missing their son. They immediately start searching for him. They check with family and friends. Still missing! So, they start retracing their steps back to where they saw him last. Three days later they locate him!

They went the whole day traveling without Jesus, assuming that he was traveling with them. How often do we do the same? Its pretty easy to sit in judgement and say, "How could they not know that he was missing for the whole day?" Easy! They, like us got busy and distracted with the plans, the preparations, the rush of the day. They forgot to take the time or they assumed that the other had laid eyes on Him. Neither one took the time to check in with Jesus, to ask the question, "Are we all set? Are we good to go?"

So, question for today: HAVE YOU CHECKED IN.......................OR IS HE MISSING?

HINT: He is easy to find..."Did you not know I must be about My Father's business?"

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