Saturday, March 30, 2013

"My Kind Of Homework!"

There are some things in life that just never change. I believe Ecclesiastes 1:9 puts it like this..."there is no new thing under the sun."  

I remember when I was still in school and a holiday weekend was coming up, one of the biggest questions in my mind come Friday afternoon would be, "Will I have homework?"  I have noticed that that hasn't changed any since my day.  Friday afternoon every child at school starts asking or is it nagging, "Do I have to take it for homework?" It is never asked as a question, but more like a plea, and is always accompanied with puppy dog eyes meant to soften hearts to give the required, "No." response.

The thing is, we can choose to do our homework or not. We know that there is a price to pay if we don't. Bad grades, etc.  We can choose to put it off till the last minute while we pursue the things we want to do instead.  This too will reap consequences.  Lots of stress when we finally try to finish it!

This morning, I woke to a verse running through my mind, and with this weekend being the one that is all about the sacrifice that He made so that we could know Him!  It feels more like a "To do" kind of

So, the answer is "Yes!"  We have homework for this weekend..."Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD.   Praise the LORD!" Psalm 150:6

Question is....Will we get it done?

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