Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Famous Kid Quotes"

As a youth pastor I have grown pretty attached to Parables! I love how Jesus would take something that His listeners could relate to and end up saying, "Gods like that."  I once challenged my young people to bring me any topic or item and I would show them God in/or through it.  Trust me, for about six months they tried to stump me and failed.  The point of the challenge?  To let them know that no matter what, they could see Him at work if they would just take the time to look and listen!  So, you may have guessed it, in the next few minutes I get to tell you, "Gods like that!"

I was praying earlier about what to share with you today when God brought to mind one of the most Famous Kid Quotes we get to hear at the school all the time. Not counting, "I didn't do it."  Here it is, "I hate Math!"  Our program is set up so that our students get a lot of one on one in the areas that they need it.  So more often than not, Math is the subject, and "Its hard. I hate Math." are the words coming out of their mouths.  My response is always the same, "Its not hard. It is actually the easiest subject. Once you learn the basics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division you've got it made! It never changes 2+2 always equals 4, If you have 10 and you take 5 away you will always end up with five left etc.  It never changes, you can always find an answer! 

So, it is now time for His famous last words.  "Gods like that!"  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8.  He is always a God of love, a God who forgives, and He is always there with the solution if we will only look and listen for Him!

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