Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Make the Sun and Moon Stand Still

He swung his sword in a wide arc, blocking the enemy soldier's swing. He sidestepped and ducked. Then springing back up, their swords clashed again. Using the sword and his own body weight, Joshua shoved the other man onto the ground before ending the fight.

Looking away didn't bring any relief to Joshua. All he could see was more battle and more bloodshed.

And time was running out.

Already Joshua could see the golden sun starting to make its descent to meet the waiting horizon. All around him, the battle raged. They were making progress against the enemy, but they needed more time. Time that they didn't have.

If only the sun and the moon would just stop for a few hours. Just long enough for them to finish the battle. Without the sunlight, the enemy soldiers would be able to slip away one by one. Then they would rally together, and come against his people in the dark of night.

If only...

Joshua's head snapped up. He had an idea! He ran past the men all around him and bounded onto a nearby rock. Arching his back and throwing his arms out wide, he cried to the Maker of the sun and moon.

"Sun, stand sill at Gibeon, and moon, in the valley of Aijalon," Joshua screamed the words into the sky, and straight into the ears of God. All around him, men looked at him like he was completely crazy. He could see that even some of his own men doubted him.

But he believed in the power of God. In the power behind his prayer.

And that was all that really mattered.

Based on Joshua 10:12-13

"And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for you father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this:

'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come, you will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'" Matthew 6:7-13

How does the story of Joshua praying for the sun and the moon to stand still go with some of Jesus' instructions about prayer, including how and what to pray?

Perfectly. They go together perfectly.

The only reason Joshua was able to pray that prayer was because he believed in the power of prayer. He believed that God could hear his prayer. He believed in God's ability to answer his cry for help. He didn't pray flippantly as a last resort. No, Joshua prayed believing that God would make a way.

What about us?

Jesus was trying to tell the people, especially His followers that they needed to believe in the power behind their prayers. Prayer isn't a bunch of empty phrases you mumble to yourself. Prayer isn't a long, eloquent speech. So many of my own prayers consist of, "Uh, Lord, help!" or "God, I'm giving this to you."

And do you know what happens? He takes it. He helps me.

Sometimes we are too flippant with how and what we pray. There is a huge difference between a heartfelt cry for help and some mumbled words to meet our daily quota.Think about what you pray. Prayer is powerful. Prayer has the ability to change things. God hears your prayers. He hears them. Don't pray flippantly. Pray prayers with life changing results. Pray prayers that make the sun and moon stand still!

V. Joy Palmer

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