Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Clenched Fists and an Angry Glower Stand

The heel of the soldier's hand slammed into Teresh's back, and the force sent him sailing towards the ground. Teresh held out his hands to brace himself, managing to catch himself before his face smacked into the rocky ground. Again.

He heard Bigthan grunt in agony next to him. The soldiers were ruthless. They had been beaten, kicked, and spit on by the king's men. My former friends, Teresh thought ruefully. Now he and Bigthan were despised. All their friends and family had turned their backs on them. Teresh had spotted his son watching from the crowd. The expression of betrayal and anger on his son's face almost killed him right there.

If only we had killed the king! If they had succeeded, this whole death business might have been worth it. Maybe. For the first time, he was really wondering why he had gotten carried away with this sordid affair. How did it start again? Oh, that's right; the King had made them angry. Nothing out of the ordinary. But when they left the king's presence that day, something inside Teresh had snapped. He chose to be angry. To stay angry. To get angrier. He chose to plan an assassination with Bigthan. An assassination he would have done, had they not been caught. Because he was angry. Why, even thinking of the king, made him furious. Teresh let loose a ferocious growl, one born from spite and pure hatred.

The guard shoved him down again. But when Teresh picked himself up this time, he saw the gallows looming before him. The jagged, sharp stake was an eyesore against the beautiful blue sky, and giant cottony clouds. Forcing down his fear, he allowed his anger to fuel him. Straightening to his full height and snarling at anyone who looked at him, Teresh stood before the gallows, his choice made.

Based on Esther 2:21-23

Guys, I don't know if these men were refusing to let go of stupid offenses, or if they had been mistreated. I do know that they made some choices. Choices that led to the gallows. They chose to let their anger fuel them. They stood for anger.

"Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil." Ephesians 4:26-27

"Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." James 1:19-20

Do we choose to be angry? When you choose anger, you stand with anger, hate, revenge, and all his friends. We've all done it, even if it's a silly spat your picking with someone. I don't know about you, but when I consciously allow myself to be angry, I feel it. It feels unnatural and crushing. Truly, any form of evil will crush you. Don't allow that soul-crushing evil a place in your life. It will not promote God in your life. Instead of standing there with clenched fists and an angry glower, stand in God's forgiveness and freedom.

P.S. Isn't it amazing how God used Teresh's and Bigthan's evil for good by inserting His servant Mordecai? God's stand will always be greater than evil!

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