Friday, May 24, 2013

"Overtaking Chariots"

Today our key verse is found in Acts 8:29-31. Then the Spirit said to Philip, "Go near and overtake this chariot." So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" And he said, "How can I unless someone guides me?"

I have always loved reading about this amazing divine appointment! I love it because it reminds about how important it is to be available to the directions that the Holy Spirit gives. If He tells you to go take a walk in the desert like He did to Philip in verse 26 then its because He has a plan. After he gets Philip in the right location He then points out the right person when He tells him to overtake the chariot. Why? Why would He tell Philip to go to a certain place in the desert? Why would He have him run and catch up with a certain chariot? He had a plan. He knew that there was a man whose heart was ready to hear about Jesus!

When Philip catches up to the chariot he hears the man reading scripture and and he asks the question, "Do you understand what you are reading?" He receives this answer, "How can I unless someone guides me?" So he proceeds to explain the scriptures to him and when this divine appointment is all said and done the man accepts Jesus, is baptized, and Philip is off to his next assignment in Azotus.

The Holy Spirit knew that this man was looking for answers! He knew that his heart was ready to hear and receive the message of salvation through Jesus. He knew his hunger to know! He also knew that Philip was listening and available. He knew that he would be obedient to His directions and that he was open to be led to the right place and the right person. He knew that Philip would respond to the question, "How can I unless someone guides me?"

If we want have amazing divine appointments then we too need to be willing to listen for instructions. We need to be willing to take walks in the desert and to 'overtake chariots' if necessary! If we will listen and be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit then we too will be led to those whose hearts are ready! We too will get to be a part of His amazing plan to have divine appointments 'overtaking chariots' so that the lost can be found!

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