Saturday, May 11, 2013

Electric Free Heaven

Friends, we all hate paying the electric bill.

But be of good cheer.

God's got good news.

"Then the moon will be confounded and the sun ashamed, for the Lord of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and His glory will be before His elders." Isaiah 24:23

No electric bill in Heaven!

Now, while that is funny, lets take a deeper look at what this means.

This is a nice glimpse of Heaven. One our minds can comprehend, but at the same time not comprehend.

The moon is going to be confused for two reasons: a. The crazy amount of light. b. The crazy amount of light that WILL NOT STOP.

The sun is going to be ashamed at the shear amount of light.

God's GLORY is that bright. That overwhelming. That amazing. That intense.

That is God and His glory.

If  that alone was a deciding factor, then God would get all the glory. Forever. Anyone who IS so much glory, should get all the glory. And there is only ONE who is like that.

All glory is due to God. He deserves it.


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